- Nov 24, 2023
minute authored
reform2-keyboard-fw/flash.sh: add more detailed instructions See merge request reform/reform!59
Johannes Schauer Marin Rodrigues authored
Johannes Schauer Marin Rodrigues authored
Johannes Schauer Marin Rodrigues authored
- Nov 14, 2023
minute authored
trackball: Add automatic flashing command See merge request reform/reform!52
- Nov 06, 2023
minute authored
reform2-lpc-fw: write out descriptive error if REFORM_MOTHERBOARD_REV is missing See merge request reform/reform!53
Johannes Schauer Marin Rodrigues authored
- Oct 30, 2023
minute authored
- Oct 26, 2023
minute authored
- Oct 24, 2023
minute authored
minute authored
minute authored
minute authored
minute authored
Add a ~30s timeout to the MNT Reform logo on the OLED See merge request reform/reform!50
minute authored
trackpad-fw: Make trackpad more responsive See merge request reform/reform!49
- Oct 23, 2023
Valtteri Koskivuori authored
Same as for the trackpad, a new 'JTBL' command can kick the device into bootloader mode, to make flashing much more ergonomic. No need to access the programming switch and reset button, just run flash.sh
- Oct 20, 2023
Valtteri Koskivuori authored
Document the new automatic bootloader mode, and some other details as well.
Valtteri Koskivuori authored
A new 'xJTBL' command can be sent from the host, which causes the trackpad to jump to the bootloader. The flash.sh script now sends this command, waits for the trackpad for a bit, then flashes the new firmware. With this change, one no longer needs to disassemble the Reform to access the mode switch and reset button on the back of the trackpad unit.
Valtteri Koskivuori authored
This mode is entered by default after about ~30 seconds of no touches, and this results in the mouse freezing for a bit on the next touch as the sensor wakes back up. According to the datasheet, the sensor typically consumes 2.8mA in normal idle state, and typical 1uA in the LP1 power state, so we will be consuming a bit more power.
Valtteri Koskivuori authored
Instead of skipping first 4 readings, which incurs a slight latency penalty at the start of a touch event, we clear lastx/lasty values as touch events end, and check them before computing deltas. This way, at the start of every touch event, we only lose one potential delta, and then start tracking right away after that. It should be noted, that manual delta computation is only used for multi-finger gesture tracking at the moment, as the Azoteq sensor provides smooth relative delta values for us in the case that only one finger is active.
Valtteri Koskivuori authored
Removing the averaging makes the cursor and scrolling motion feel much more precise and responsive. There is no longer a 'latency' to it.
Valtteri Koskivuori authored
The Azoteq sensor gives us a nice delta we can use in the case that sensor.num_fingers == 1.
Valtteri Koskivuori authored
No functional changes. Just cleaning up some of the copypasted stuff, like the register definitions for the trackball sensor. Also made indentation consistent (2 spaces)
Valtteri Koskivuori authored
No functional changes. Trackpad motion logic was left as is here, and I just introduce the new azoteq structs + the function to populate them. Readability of input processing code benefits greatly from this structured approach, as there are no longer any magical data shuffling from a raw byte buffer in there. Downside is, that we have to swap bytes for 16-bit quantities in the structs, but that's not too much overhead on a 16MHz MCU.
Valtteri Koskivuori authored
This should prevent any burn-in caused by the logo staying on the screen for too long. That can happen e.g. during brownout in a low battery condition. When the keyboard receives 3.3v standby power again, it shows the logo, and never clears it until the user does so. This should fix that.
Valtteri Koskivuori authored
It now smoothly fades in the backlight on startup. If running in standalone mode, it does it right when it receives power, and on the Reform, when USB power gets enabled about ~20s into boot.
minute authored
minute authored
Fix jumpy keyboard backlight adjustment See merge request reform/reform!48
- Oct 07, 2023
Valtteri Koskivuori authored
Here, I actually adjust the hardware parameters, these settings work the best based on my understanding of Atmel docs, and experimentation. The key change is to set the clock select parameters to choose a prescale that divides the IO clock by 8. In the original implementation, a comment implied that the intent was to set the prescale to /256, but the actual code just sets the first CS00 bit of TCCR0B, which selects no prescaling. Now, we explicitly choose a prescale of clock_io/8, which seems to result in the desired behaviour. The brightness increases and decreases in equal increments, with no jumps with dead keypresses in between. There are now 1+8 brightness levels, that is, 'off' + 8 levels of brightness. Going any higher than a pwmval of 8 with these settings causes the backlight to blink, I believe due to overcurrent protection.
Valtteri Koskivuori authored
This first commit just aims to make the keyboard backlight pwm setup code a bit more obvious, it's now broken up into sections, but the original behaviour is intact. The only functional change is, that each bit is now explicitly set to the intended value. It's my understanding that clearing a bit like this: value = (0 << offset); does not work. Instead, bitwise AND must be used, along with NOT, like so: value &= ~(1 << offset); It may be possible that this functional change affects behaviour, as those bits are now explicitly set to the intended value, but the behaviour observed is unchanged.
- Oct 05, 2023
- Oct 03, 2023
minute authored
Enable USB HID commands to address all 128 display columns See merge request reform/reform!47
minute authored
Valtteri Koskivuori authored
This was clearing the display using the multiple of 6 font width assumption of the firmware text drawing code, so it didn't clear the rightmost 2 columns of pixels. Using the direct clear command resolves this.
Valtteri Koskivuori authored
The 'xWBIT' now supports addressing the full width, so update the demo to match it.
Valtteri Koskivuori authored
The ColumnAddr (0x21) command in matrix_render_direct() was erroneously setting the column end address to 125 instead of 127, which made it impossible to address the rightmost two columns of pixels on the display from USB HID 'WBIT' commands. The 126 pixel limit exists for text and graphics drawn by the keyboard firmware to simplify text drawing, since the firmware font width is 6px per character, and 126 / 6 == 21, a nice round number. I see no reason to impose this limit on arbitrary bitmap content drawn by commands from the operating system.
- Sep 06, 2023
minute authored