enable reform-next-system-rk3588
this needs reform-tools 1.50 which bumps the u-boot version for rk3588 platforms to a tag which includes downloadable u-boot blobs for the reform-next and pocket reform with rk3588: reform-tools!81 (merged)
Edited by Johannes Schauer Marin Rodrigues
Merge request reports
Filter activity
added 10 commits
e6a4d780...075f8603 - 8 commits from branch
- 40cc6395 - enable reform-next-system-rk3588
- 631bde07 - enable pocket-reform-system-rk3588
e6a4d780...075f8603 - 8 commits from branch
mentioned in merge request reform-tools!81 (merged)
added 9 commits
2806bd7f...7123115c - 7 commits from branch
- 32166366 - enable reform-next-system-rk3588
- 6cadf961 - enable pocket-reform-system-rk3588
2806bd7f...7123115c - 7 commits from branch
added 2 commits
enabled an automatic merge when the pipeline for a412b748 succeeds
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