@@ -30,46 +30,51 @@ Minimalistic and secure operating system
## Scripts:
1. 64-bit Debian based Linux distribution
2. Pre-Requirments for the build environment - packages and libraries
2. All required packages needed to get, compile and prepare the Linux image file. Bellow, are few of them:
- build-essentials (install's allmost all software required for the compilation process)
- bison++
- python3
- libraries: libssl-dev
- squashfs
- dependencies required by the third-patry software required to compile the sources
## Final product (portable (live) version)
## Final product - portable (live) system
1. USB stick **need to meet** following criteria:
1. The USB stick **need to meet** following criteria:
- must be cleaned using the `wipe` command to prevent any potential leftovers from previous data and potential malware
- must have a GPT partition table
- the partition `need` to be set bootable**
2. The BIOS/UEFI`need` to be set to run from USB before the hard drive
- the partition`need` to be set bootable
3.Ensure yourself to have an active and stable internet connection
2.The BIOS/UEFI `need` either to be set to run from USB before the hard drive or be run from a boot menu
4.Ensure yourself that you have fullfilled the requirments of having
3.You have propper tools to "burn" the Linux image to the USB stick
# Distribution preparation using included scripts
1. Get the content of the repository:
a) using git clone (remember to use the `--recrusive` and `--recrusive-modules` options) OR
b) Download (and extract the archive)
1. Get the content of the repository (one of):
a) using git clone (remember to use the `--recrusive` and `--recrusive-modules` options)
b) Download the archive from the repository and then extract it on your drive
From now, the folder to with the repository got clobed/extracted will be refered as the "*project dir*"
2. In the `project dir` enter the `code` sub-folder
3. ensure that the scripts are executable
4. run the `prepare.sh` script
5. After the script finishes (assuming that it wasn't interrupted due an error), return to the `project dir` and then enter the `dist` sub-folder
6. copy only the content of the `dist` folder, without copying the folder itself (else the dist won't start)
The distro should be ready to be run.
3. ensure that the scripts are executable (command: `chmod -v +x *.sh`)
4. run the `prepare.sh` script
The distro has only a console, so you need to be familiar with
5. After the script finishes (assuming that it wasn't interrupted due an error), return to the `project dir` and then enter the `dist` sub-folder. Inside should be a Linux image that need to become "burned" into a USB stick. It can become also used in Virtual Machines