Draft: cleanup...
- reform2-lpc-fw: remove unused Berkeley DB Btree files
- remove prebuilt doxygen documentation
- reform2-lpc-fw: remove unused zip files
- remove ./reform2-lpc-fw/src/core/usb/WinCDCdriver.inf as anything copyright Microsoft 2000 is probably not FOSS
- remove reform2-lpc-fw/src/drivers/rf/nfc to avoid bible references
- remove windows executable reform2-lpc-fw/tools/lpcrc/lpcrc.exe
static library blobs:
- reform2-lpc-fw/cmsis/libs/libRTX_CM0.a
- reform2-lpc-fw/cmsis/libs/libRTX_CM3.a
- reform2-lpc-fw/cmsis/libs/libarm_cortexM0l_math.a
- reform2-lpc-fw/cmsis/libs/libarm_cortexM3l_math.a
can be removed using this patch
@@ -378,13 +361,6 @@ LDFLAGS += -O$(OPTIMIZATION)
LDFLAGS += -Wl,--gc-sections
LDFLAGS += -Xlinker -Map=bin/firmware.map
-# CMSIS Libraries
-LDFLAGS += -L./cmsis/libs
-ifeq (lpc11u,$(TARGET))
- LDLIBS = -larm_cortexM0l_math -lRTX_CM0
- LDLIBS = -larm_cortexM3l_math -lRTX_CM3
# External Libraries
LDLIBS += -lm
# The following libraries are required with the LPCXpresso toolchain
but does the result still run on the lpc?
Edited by Johannes Schauer Marin Rodrigues