diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 54610c637a71751d9c16b42b5b30d4caf00aae06..9764cea894f7b070be77b617c63dc81fa47adf35 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -324,6 +324,10 @@ $(obj)u-boot.img:	$(obj)u-boot.bin
 			sed -e 's/"[	 ]*$$/ for $(BOARD) board"/') \
 		-d $< $@
+$(obj)u-boot.kwb:       $(obj)u-boot.bin
+		$(obj)tools/mkimage -n $(KWD_CONFIG) -T kwbimage \
+		-a $(TEXT_BASE) -e $(TEXT_BASE) -d $< $@
 $(obj)u-boot.sha1:	$(obj)u-boot.bin
 		$(obj)tools/ubsha1 $(obj)u-boot.bin
@@ -3759,6 +3763,7 @@ clobber:	clean
 	@rm -f $(OBJS) $(obj)*.bak $(obj)ctags $(obj)etags $(obj)TAGS \
 		$(obj)cscope.* $(obj)*.*~
 	@rm -f $(obj)u-boot $(obj)u-boot.map $(obj)u-boot.hex $(ALL)
+	@rm -f $(obj)u-boot.kwb
 	@rm -f $(obj)tools/{env/crc32.c,inca-swap-bytes}
 	@rm -f $(obj)cpu/mpc824x/bedbug_603e.c
 	@rm -f $(obj)include/asm/proc $(obj)include/asm/arch $(obj)include/asm
diff --git a/common/image.c b/common/image.c
index e8ecfa5c03203c35970ba0f02fde40df9883484b..d0f169d660cce7472a54967b837169ed6d0aa07a 100644
--- a/common/image.c
+++ b/common/image.c
@@ -139,6 +139,7 @@ static table_entry_t uimage_type[] = {
 	{	IH_TYPE_SCRIPT,     "script",	  "Script",		},
 	{	IH_TYPE_STANDALONE, "standalone", "Standalone Program", },
 	{	IH_TYPE_FLATDT,     "flat_dt",    "Flat Device Tree",	},
+	{	IH_TYPE_KWBIMAGE,   "kwbimage",   "Kirkwood Boot Image",},
 	{	-1,		    "",		  "",			},
diff --git a/doc/README.kwbimage b/doc/README.kwbimage
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2a5b3b3be5d2d46d5fd52d5d25d0e8eac25f31db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/README.kwbimage
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+Kirkwood Boot Image generation using mkimage
+This document describes the U-Boot feature as it
+is implemented for the Kirkwood family of SoCs.
+The Kirkwood SoC's can boot directly from NAND FLASH,
+SPI FLASH, SATA etc. using its internal bootRom support.
+for more details refer section 24.2 of Kirkwood functional specifications.
+ref: www.marvell.com/products/embedded.../kirkwood/index.jsp
+Command syntax:
+./tools/mkimage -l <kwboot_file>
+		to list the kwb image file details
+./tools/mkimage -n <board specific configuration file> \
+                -T kwbimage -a <start address> -e <execution address> \
+		-d <input_raw_binary> <output_kwboot_file>
+for ex.
+./tools/mkimage -n ./board/Marvell/openrd_base/kwbimage.cfg \
+                -T kwbimage -a 0x00600000 -e 0x00600000 \
+		-d u-boot.bin u-boot.kwb
+kwimage support available with mkimage utility will generate kirkwood boot
+image that can be flashed on the board NAND/SPI flash
+Board specific configuration file specifications:
+1. This file must present in the $(BOARDDIR) and the name should be
+	kwbimage.cfg (since this is used in Makefile)
+2. This file can have empty lines and lines starting with "#" as first
+	character to put comments
+3. This file can have configuration command lines as mentioned below,
+	any other information in this file is treated as invalid.
+Configuration command line syntax:
+1. Each command line is must have two strings, first one command or address
+	and second one data string
+2. Following are the valid command strings and associated data strings:-
+	Command string		data string
+	--------------		-----------
+	BOOT_FROM		nand/spi/sata
+	NAND_ECC_MODE		default/rs/hamming/disabled
+	NAND_PAGE_SIZE		any uint16_t hex value
+	SATA_PIO_MODE		any uint32_t hex value
+	DDR_INIT_DELAY		any uint32_t hex value
+	DATA			regaddr and regdara hex value
+	you can have maximum 55 such register programming commands
+3. All commands are optional to program
+Typical example of kwimage.cfg file:
+# Boot Media configurations
+NAND_ECC_MODE	default
+# Configure RGMII-0 interface pad voltage to 1.8V
+DATA 0xFFD100e0 0x1b1b1b9b
+# DRAM Configuration
+DATA 0xFFD01400 0x43000c30
+DATA 0xFFD01404 0x37543000
+DATA 0xFFD01408 0x22125451
+DATA 0xFFD0140C 0x00000a33
+DATA 0xFFD01410 0x000000cc
+DATA 0xFFD01414 0x00000000
+DATA 0xFFD01418 0x00000000
+DATA 0xFFD0141C 0x00000C52
+DATA 0xFFD01420 0x00000040
+DATA 0xFFD01424 0x0000F17F
+DATA 0xFFD01428 0x00085520
+DATA 0xFFD0147C 0x00008552
+DATA 0xFFD01504 0x0FFFFFF1
+DATA 0xFFD01508 0x10000000
+DATA 0xFFD01514 0x00000000
+DATA 0xFFD0151C 0x00000000
+DATA 0xFFD01494 0x00030000
+DATA 0xFFD01498 0x00000000
+DATA 0xFFD0149C 0x0000E803
+DATA 0xFFD01480 0x00000001
+# End of Header extension
+DATA 0x0 0x0
+Author: Prafulla Wadaskar <prafulla@marvell.com>
diff --git a/include/image.h b/include/image.h
index d4cbf8c7093b69c3851ad529fe510ad0b48ee4fb..5a424e6a9422c74933494710e1ead02a745a19f1 100644
--- a/include/image.h
+++ b/include/image.h
@@ -155,6 +155,7 @@
 #define IH_TYPE_SCRIPT		6	/* Script file			*/
 #define IH_TYPE_FILESYSTEM	7	/* Filesystem Image (any type)	*/
 #define IH_TYPE_FLATDT		8	/* Binary Flat Device Tree Blob	*/
+#define IH_TYPE_KWBIMAGE	9	/* Kirkwood Boot Image		*/
  * Compression Types
diff --git a/tools/Makefile b/tools/Makefile
index d5c23fd7ee9acfe1c693c834561374b5a07cdc5b..b04e3f3044156b1a958be1922d8e20bc4132030f 100644
--- a/tools/Makefile
+++ b/tools/Makefile
@@ -99,6 +99,7 @@ OBJ_FILES-y += fit_image.o
 OBJ_FILES-$(CONFIG_CMD_NET) += gen_eth_addr.o
 OBJ_FILES-$(CONFIG_CMD_LOADS) += img2srec.o
 OBJ_FILES-$(CONFIG_INCA_IP) += inca-swap-bytes.o
+OBJ_FILES-y += kwbimage.o
 OBJ_FILES-y += mkimage.o
 OBJ_FILES-y += os_support.o
@@ -189,6 +190,7 @@ $(obj)mkimage$(SFX):	$(obj)crc32.o \
 			$(obj)default_image.o \
 			$(obj)fit_image.o \
 			$(obj)image.o \
+			$(obj)kwbimage.o \
 			$(obj)md5.o \
 			$(obj)mkimage.o \
 			$(obj)os_support.o \
@@ -218,6 +220,9 @@ $(obj)fit_image.o: $(SRCTREE)/tools/fit_image.c
 $(obj)image.o: $(SRCTREE)/common/image.c
 	$(CC) -g $(FIT_CFLAGS) -c -o $@ $<
+$(obj)kwbimage.o: $(SRCTREE)/tools/kwbimage.c
+	$(CC) -g $(FIT_CFLAGS) -c -o $@ $<
 $(obj)mkimage.o: $(SRCTREE)/tools/mkimage.c
 	$(CC) -g $(FIT_CFLAGS) -c -o $@ $<
diff --git a/tools/kwbimage.c b/tools/kwbimage.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..28dc2d605dfd65e923cb9ff5173f6f3ade215639
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/kwbimage.c
@@ -0,0 +1,405 @@
+ * (C) Copyright 2008
+ * Marvell Semiconductor <www.marvell.com>
+ * Written-by: Prafulla Wadaskar <prafulla@marvell.com>
+ *
+ * See file CREDITS for list of people who contributed to this
+ * project.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
+ * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307 USA
+ */
+/* Required to obtain the getline prototype from stdio.h */
+#define _GNU_SOURCE
+#include "mkimage.h"
+#include <image.h>
+#include "kwbimage.h"
+ * Supported commands for configuration file
+ */
+static table_entry_t kwbimage_cmds[] = {
+	{CMD_BOOT_FROM,		"BOOT_FROM",		"boot comand",	},
+	{CMD_DATA,		"DATA",			"Reg Write Data", },
+	{CMD_INVALID,		"",			"",	},
+ * Supported Boot options for configuration file
+ */
+static table_entry_t kwbimage_bootops[] = {
+	{IBR_HDR_SPI_ID,	"spi",		"SPI Flash",	},
+	{IBR_HDR_NAND_ID,	"nand",		"NAND Flash",	},
+	{IBR_HDR_SATA_ID,	"sata",		"Sata port",	},
+	{IBR_HDR_PEX_ID,	"pex",		"PCIe port",	},
+	{IBR_HDR_UART_ID,	"uart",		"Serial port",	},
+	{-1,			"",		"Invalid",	},
+ * Supported NAND ecc options configuration file
+ */
+static table_entry_t kwbimage_eccmodes[] = {
+	{IBR_HDR_ECC_DEFAULT,		"default",	"Default mode",	},
+	{IBR_HDR_ECC_FORCED_HAMMING,	"hamming",	"Hamming mode",	},
+	{IBR_HDR_ECC_FORCED_RS,		"rs",		"RS mode",	},
+	{IBR_HDR_ECC_DISABLED,		"disabled",	"ECC Disabled",	},
+	{-1,				"",		"",	},
+static struct kwb_header kwbimage_header;
+static int datacmd_cnt = 0;
+static char * fname = "Unknown";
+static int lineno = -1;
+ * Report Error if xflag is set in addition to default
+ */
+static int kwbimage_check_params (struct mkimage_params *params)
+	if (!strlen (params->imagename)) {
+		printf ("Error:%s - Configuration file not specified, "
+			"it is needed for kwbimage generation\n",
+			params->cmdname);
+		return CFG_INVALID;
+	}
+	return	((params->dflag && (params->fflag || params->lflag)) ||
+		(params->fflag && (params->dflag || params->lflag)) ||
+		(params->lflag && (params->dflag || params->fflag)) ||
+		(params->xflag) || !(strlen (params->imagename)));
+static uint32_t check_get_hexval (char *token)
+	uint32_t hexval;
+	if (!sscanf (token, "%x", &hexval)) {
+		printf ("Error:%s[%d] - Invalid hex data(%s)\n", fname,
+			lineno, token);
+		exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
+	}
+	return hexval;
+ * Generates 8 bit checksum
+ */
+static uint8_t kwbimage_checksum8 (void *start, uint32_t len, uint8_t csum)
+	register uint8_t sum = csum;
+	volatile uint8_t *p = (volatile uint8_t *)start;
+	/* check len and return zero checksum if invalid */
+	if (!len)
+		return 0;
+	do {
+		sum += *p;
+		p++;
+	} while (--len);
+	return (sum);
+ * Generates 32 bit checksum
+ */
+static uint32_t kwbimage_checksum32 (uint32_t *start, uint32_t len, uint32_t csum)
+	register uint32_t sum = csum;
+	volatile uint32_t *p = start;
+	/* check len and return zero checksum if invalid */
+	if (!len)
+		return 0;
+	if (len % sizeof(uint32_t)) {
+		printf ("Error:%s[%d] - lenght is not in multiple of %d\n",
+			__FUNCTION__, len, sizeof(uint32_t));
+		return 0;
+	}
+	do {
+		sum += *p;
+		p++;
+		len -= sizeof(uint32_t);
+	} while (len > 0);
+	return (sum);
+static void kwbimage_check_cfgdata (char *token, enum kwbimage_cmd cmdsw,
+					struct kwb_header *kwbhdr)
+	bhr_t *mhdr = &kwbhdr->kwb_hdr;
+	extbhr_t *exthdr = &kwbhdr->kwb_exthdr;
+	int i;
+	switch (cmdsw) {
+		i = get_table_entry_id (kwbimage_bootops,
+				"Kwbimage boot option", token);
+		if (i < 0)
+			goto INVL_DATA;
+		mhdr->blockid = i;
+		printf ("Preparing kirkwood boot image to boot "
+			"from %s\n", token);
+		break;
+		i = get_table_entry_id (kwbimage_eccmodes,
+			"NAND ecc mode", token);
+		if (i < 0)
+			goto INVL_DATA;
+		mhdr->nandeccmode = i;
+		printf ("Nand ECC mode = %s\n", token);
+		break;
+		mhdr->nandpagesize =
+			(uint16_t) check_get_hexval (token);
+		printf ("Nand page size = 0x%x\n", mhdr->nandpagesize);
+		break;
+		mhdr->satapiomode =
+			(uint8_t) check_get_hexval (token);
+		printf ("Sata PIO mode = 0x%x\n",
+				mhdr->satapiomode);
+		break;
+		mhdr->ddrinitdelay =
+			(uint16_t) check_get_hexval (token);
+		printf ("DDR init delay = %d msec\n", mhdr->ddrinitdelay);
+		break;
+	case CMD_DATA:
+		exthdr->rcfg[datacmd_cnt].raddr =
+			check_get_hexval (token);
+		break;
+		goto INVL_DATA;
+	default:
+		goto INVL_DATA;
+	}
+	return;
+	printf ("Error:%s[%d] - Invalid data\n", fname, lineno);
+	exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
+ * this function sets the kwbimage header by-
+ * 	1. Abstracting input command line arguments data
+ *	2. parses the kwbimage configuration file and update extebded header data
+ *	3. calculates header, extended header and image checksums
+ */
+static void kwdimage_set_ext_header (struct kwb_header *kwbhdr, char* name) {
+	bhr_t *mhdr = &kwbhdr->kwb_hdr;
+	extbhr_t *exthdr = &kwbhdr->kwb_exthdr;
+	FILE *fd = NULL;
+	int j;
+	char *line = NULL;
+	char * token, *saveptr1, *saveptr2;
+	size_t len = 0;
+	enum kwbimage_cmd cmd;
+	fname = name;
+	/* set dram register offset */
+	exthdr->dramregsoffs = (intptr_t)&exthdr->rcfg - (intptr_t)mhdr;
+	if ((fd = fopen (name, "r")) == 0) {
+		printf ("Error:%s - Can't open\n", fname);
+		exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
+	}
+	/* Simple kwimage.cfg file parser */
+	lineno=0;
+	while ((getline (&line, &len, fd)) > 0) {
+		lineno++;
+		token = strtok_r (line, "\r\n", &saveptr1);
+		/* drop all lines with zero tokens (= empty lines) */
+		if (token == NULL)
+			continue;
+		for (j = 0, cmd = CMD_INVALID, line = token; ; line = NULL) {
+			token = strtok_r (line, " \t", &saveptr2);
+			if (token == NULL)
+			break;
+			/* Drop all text starting with '#' as comments */
+			if (token[0] == '#')
+				break;
+			/* Process rest as valid config command line */
+			switch (j) {
+			case CFG_COMMAND:
+				cmd = get_table_entry_id (kwbimage_cmds,
+						"Kwbimage command", token);
+				if (cmd == CMD_INVALID)
+					goto INVL_CMD;
+				break;
+			case CFG_DATA0:
+				kwbimage_check_cfgdata (token, cmd, kwbhdr);
+				break;
+			case CFG_DATA1:
+				if (cmd != CMD_DATA)
+					goto INVL_CMD;
+				exthdr->rcfg[datacmd_cnt].rdata =
+						check_get_hexval (token);
+				if (datacmd_cnt > KWBIMAGE_MAX_CONFIG ) {
+					printf ("Error:%s[%d] - Found more "
+						"than max(%zd) allowed "
+						"data configurations\n",
+						fname, lineno,
+				exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
+				} else
+					datacmd_cnt++;
+				break;
+			default:
+				goto INVL_CMD;
+			}
+			j++;
+		}
+	}
+	if (line)
+		free (line);
+	fclose (fd);
+	return;
+ * Invalid Command error reporring
+ *
+ * command CMD_DATA needs three strings on a line
+ * whereas other commands need only two.
+ *
+ * if more than two/three (as per command type) are observed,
+ * then error will be reported
+ */
+	printf ("Error:%s[%d] - Invalid command\n", fname, lineno);
+	exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
+static void kwbimage_set_header (void *ptr, struct stat *sbuf, int ifd,
+				struct mkimage_params *params)
+	struct kwb_header *hdr = (struct kwb_header *)ptr;
+	bhr_t *mhdr = &hdr->kwb_hdr;
+	extbhr_t *exthdr = &hdr->kwb_exthdr;
+	uint32_t checksum;
+	int size;
+	/* Build and add image checksum header */
+	checksum = kwbimage_checksum32 ((uint32_t *)ptr, sbuf->st_size, 0);
+	size = write (ifd, &checksum, sizeof(uint32_t));
+	if (size != sizeof(uint32_t)) {
+		printf ("Error:%s - Checksum write %d bytes %s\n",
+			params->cmdname, size, params->imagefile);
+		exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
+	}
+	sbuf->st_size += sizeof(uint32_t);
+	mhdr->blocksize = sbuf->st_size - sizeof(struct kwb_header);
+	mhdr->srcaddr = sizeof(struct kwb_header);
+	mhdr->destaddr= params->addr;
+	mhdr->execaddr =params->ep;
+	mhdr->ext = 0x1; /* header extension appended */
+	kwdimage_set_ext_header (hdr, params->imagename);
+	/* calculate checksums */
+	mhdr->checkSum = kwbimage_checksum8 ((void *)mhdr, sizeof(bhr_t), 0);
+	exthdr->checkSum = kwbimage_checksum8 ((void *)exthdr,
+						sizeof(extbhr_t), 0);
+static int kwbimage_verify_header (unsigned char *ptr, int image_size,
+			struct mkimage_params *params)
+	struct kwb_header *hdr = (struct kwb_header *)ptr;
+	bhr_t *mhdr = &hdr->kwb_hdr;
+	extbhr_t *exthdr = &hdr->kwb_exthdr;
+	uint8_t calc_hdrcsum;
+	uint8_t calc_exthdrcsum;
+	calc_hdrcsum = kwbimage_checksum8 ((void *)mhdr,
+			sizeof(bhr_t) - sizeof(uint8_t), 0);
+	if (calc_hdrcsum != mhdr->checkSum)
+		return -FDT_ERR_BADSTRUCTURE;	/* mhdr csum not matched */
+	calc_exthdrcsum = kwbimage_checksum8 ((void *)exthdr,
+			sizeof(extbhr_t) - sizeof(uint8_t), 0);
+	if (calc_hdrcsum != mhdr->checkSum)
+		return -FDT_ERR_BADSTRUCTURE; /* exthdr csum not matched */
+	return 0;
+static void kwbimage_print_header (const void *ptr)
+	struct kwb_header *hdr = (struct kwb_header *) ptr;
+	bhr_t *mhdr = &hdr->kwb_hdr;
+	char *name = get_table_entry_name (kwbimage_bootops,
+				"Kwbimage boot option",
+				(int) mhdr->blockid);
+	printf ("Image Type:   Kirkwood Boot from %s Image\n", name);
+	printf ("Data Size:    ");
+	genimg_print_size (mhdr->blocksize - sizeof(uint32_t));
+	printf ("Load Address: %08x\n", mhdr->destaddr);
+	printf ("Entry Point:  %08x\n", mhdr->execaddr);
+static int kwbimage_check_image_types (uint8_t type)
+	if (type == IH_TYPE_KWBIMAGE)
+		return EXIT_SUCCESS;
+	else
+		return EXIT_FAILURE;
+ * kwbimage type parameters definition
+ */
+static struct image_type_params kwbimage_params = {
+	.name = "Kirkwood Boot Image support",
+	.header_size = sizeof(struct kwb_header),
+	.hdr = (void*)&kwbimage_header,
+	.check_image_type = kwbimage_check_image_types,
+	.verify_header = kwbimage_verify_header,
+	.print_header = kwbimage_print_header,
+	.set_header = kwbimage_set_header,
+	.check_params = kwbimage_check_params,
+void init_kwb_image_type (void)
+	mkimage_register (&kwbimage_params);
diff --git a/tools/kwbimage.h b/tools/kwbimage.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3d3d5e9130c28ef6632f24cedf53ef92b1e93101
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/kwbimage.h
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+ * (C) Copyright 2008
+ * Marvell Semiconductor <www.marvell.com>
+ * Written-by: Prafulla Wadaskar <prafulla@marvell.com>
+ *
+ * See file CREDITS for list of people who contributed to this
+ * project.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
+ * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307 USA
+ */
+#ifndef _KWBIMAGE_H_
+#define _KWBIMAGE_H_
+#include <stdint.h>
+#define KWBIMAGE_MAX_CONFIG	((0x1dc - 0x20)/sizeof(struct reg_config))
+#define MAX_TEMPBUF_LEN		32
+/* NAND ECC Mode */
+#define IBR_HDR_ECC_DEFAULT		0x00
+#define IBR_HDR_ECC_FORCED_RS  		0x02
+#define IBR_HDR_ECC_DISABLED  		0x03
+/* Boot Type - block ID */
+#define IBR_HDR_I2C_ID			0x4D
+#define IBR_HDR_SPI_ID			0x5A
+#define IBR_HDR_NAND_ID			0x8B
+#define IBR_HDR_SATA_ID			0x78
+#define IBR_HDR_PEX_ID			0x9C
+#define IBR_HDR_UART_ID			0x69
+#define IBR_DEF_ATTRIB	 		0x00
+enum kwbimage_cmd {
+enum kwbimage_cmd_types {
+/* typedefs */
+typedef struct bhr_t {
+	uint8_t blockid;		/*0     */
+	uint8_t nandeccmode;		/*1     */
+	uint16_t nandpagesize;		/*2-3   */
+	uint32_t blocksize;		/*4-7   */
+	uint32_t rsvd1;			/*8-11  */
+	uint32_t srcaddr;		/*12-15 */
+	uint32_t destaddr;		/*16-19 */
+	uint32_t execaddr;		/*20-23 */
+	uint8_t satapiomode;		/*24    */
+	uint8_t rsvd3;			/*25    */
+	uint16_t ddrinitdelay;		/*26-27 */
+	uint16_t rsvd2;			/*28-29 */
+	uint8_t ext;			/*30    */
+	uint8_t checkSum;		/*31    */
+} bhr_t, *pbhr_t;
+struct reg_config {
+	uint32_t raddr;
+	uint32_t rdata;
+typedef struct extbhr_t {
+	uint32_t dramregsoffs;
+	uint8_t rsrvd1[0x20 - sizeof(uint32_t)];
+	struct reg_config rcfg[KWBIMAGE_MAX_CONFIG];
+	uint8_t rsrvd2[7];
+	uint8_t checkSum;
+} extbhr_t, *pextbhr_t;
+struct kwb_header {
+	bhr_t kwb_hdr;
+	extbhr_t kwb_exthdr;
+ * functions
+ */
+void init_kwb_image_type (void);
+#endif /* _KWBIMAGE_H_ */
diff --git a/tools/mkimage.c b/tools/mkimage.c
index c43b20772694e9d78c880001c4187d2e32d8aaca..ab6ea32ad05ca282b8ac6ad4dc4af802753d45e3 100644
--- a/tools/mkimage.c
+++ b/tools/mkimage.c
@@ -148,6 +148,8 @@ main (int argc, char **argv)
 	int retval = 0;
 	struct image_type_params *tparams = NULL;
+	/* Init Kirkwood Boot image generation/list support */
+	init_kwb_image_type ();
 	/* Init FIT image generation/list support */
 	init_fit_image_type ();
 	/* Init Default image generation/list support */
diff --git a/tools/mkimage.h b/tools/mkimage.h
index 96f2ef8f13f88e525daa187d41a16cc840115303..ec6733625dc22b8289834aa7d477f98a9e13c153 100644
--- a/tools/mkimage.h
+++ b/tools/mkimage.h
@@ -139,6 +139,7 @@ void mkimage_register (struct image_type_params *tparams);
  * Supported image types init functions
+void init_kwb_image_type (void);
 void init_default_image_type (void);
 void init_fit_image_type (void);