/* * Maintainer : Steve Sakoman <steve@sakoman.com> * * Derived from Beagle Board, 3430 SDP, and OMAP3EVM code by * Richard Woodruff <r-woodruff2@ti.com> * Syed Mohammed Khasim <khasim@ti.com> * Sunil Kumar <sunilsaini05@gmail.com> * Shashi Ranjan <shashiranjanmca05@gmail.com> * * (C) Copyright 2004-2008 * Texas Instruments, <www.ti.com> * * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ */ #include <common.h> #include <netdev.h> #include <twl4030.h> #include <linux/mtd/nand.h> #include <asm/io.h> #include <asm/arch/mmc_host_def.h> #include <asm/arch/mux.h> #include <asm/arch/mem.h> #include <asm/arch/sys_proto.h> #include <asm/omap_gpmc.h> #include <asm/gpio.h> #include <asm/mach-types.h> #include "overo.h" DECLARE_GLOBAL_DATA_PTR; #define TWL4030_I2C_BUS 0 #define EXPANSION_EEPROM_I2C_BUS 2 #define EXPANSION_EEPROM_I2C_ADDRESS 0x51 #define GUMSTIX_SUMMIT 0x01000200 #define GUMSTIX_TOBI 0x02000200 #define GUMSTIX_TOBI_DUO 0x03000200 #define GUMSTIX_PALO35 0x04000200 #define GUMSTIX_PALO43 0x05000200 #define GUMSTIX_CHESTNUT43 0x06000200 #define GUMSTIX_PINTO 0x07000200 #define GUMSTIX_GALLOP43 0x08000200 #define ETTUS_USRP_E 0x01000300 #define GUMSTIX_NO_EEPROM 0xffffffff static struct { unsigned int device_vendor; unsigned char revision; unsigned char content; char fab_revision[8]; char env_var[16]; char env_setting[64]; } expansion_config; #if defined(CONFIG_CMD_NET) static void setup_net_chip(void); #endif /* GPMC definitions for LAN9221 chips on Tobi expansion boards */ static const u32 gpmc_lan_config[] = { NET_LAN9221_GPMC_CONFIG1, NET_LAN9221_GPMC_CONFIG2, NET_LAN9221_GPMC_CONFIG3, NET_LAN9221_GPMC_CONFIG4, NET_LAN9221_GPMC_CONFIG5, NET_LAN9221_GPMC_CONFIG6, /*CONFIG7- computed as params */ }; /* * Routine: board_init * Description: Early hardware init. */ int board_init(void) { gpmc_init(); /* in SRAM or SDRAM, finish GPMC */ /* board id for Linux */ gd->bd->bi_arch_number = MACH_TYPE_OVERO; /* boot param addr */ gd->bd->bi_boot_params = (OMAP34XX_SDRC_CS0 + 0x100); return 0; } /* * Routine: get_board_revision * Description: Returns the board revision */ int get_board_revision(void) { int revision; #ifdef CONFIG_DRIVER_OMAP34XX_I2C unsigned char data; /* board revisions <= R2410 connect 4030 irq_1 to gpio112 */ /* these boards should return a revision number of 0 */ /* the code below forces a 4030 RTC irq to ensure that gpio112 is low */ i2c_set_bus_num(TWL4030_I2C_BUS); data = 0x01; i2c_write(0x4B, 0x29, 1, &data, 1); data = 0x0c; i2c_write(0x4B, 0x2b, 1, &data, 1); i2c_read(0x4B, 0x2a, 1, &data, 1); #endif if (!gpio_request(112, "") && !gpio_request(113, "") && !gpio_request(115, "")) { gpio_direction_input(112); gpio_direction_input(113); gpio_direction_input(115); revision = gpio_get_value(115) << 2 | gpio_get_value(113) << 1 | gpio_get_value(112); } else { puts("Error: unable to acquire board revision GPIOs\n"); revision = -1; } return revision; } #ifdef CONFIG_SPL_BUILD /* * Routine: get_board_mem_timings * Description: If we use SPL then there is no x-loader nor config header * so we have to setup the DDR timings ourself on both banks. */ void get_board_mem_timings(struct board_sdrc_timings *timings) { timings->mr = MICRON_V_MR_165; switch (get_board_revision()) { case REVISION_0: /* Micron 1286MB/256MB, 1/2 banks of 128MB */ timings->mcfg = MICRON_V_MCFG_165(128 << 20); timings->ctrla = MICRON_V_ACTIMA_165; timings->ctrlb = MICRON_V_ACTIMB_165; timings->rfr_ctrl = SDP_3430_SDRC_RFR_CTRL_165MHz; break; case REVISION_1: /* Micron 256MB/512MB, 1/2 banks of 256MB */ timings->mcfg = MICRON_V_MCFG_200(256 << 20); timings->ctrla = MICRON_V_ACTIMA_200; timings->ctrlb = MICRON_V_ACTIMB_200; timings->rfr_ctrl = SDP_3430_SDRC_RFR_CTRL_200MHz; break; case REVISION_2: /* Hynix 256MB/512MB, 1/2 banks of 256MB */ timings->mcfg = HYNIX_V_MCFG_200(256 << 20); timings->ctrla = HYNIX_V_ACTIMA_200; timings->ctrlb = HYNIX_V_ACTIMB_200; timings->rfr_ctrl = SDP_3430_SDRC_RFR_CTRL_200MHz; break; case REVISION_3: /* Micron 512MB/1024MB, 1/2 banks of 512MB */ timings->mcfg = MCFG(512 << 20, 15); timings->ctrla = MICRON_V_ACTIMA_200; timings->ctrlb = MICRON_V_ACTIMB_200; timings->rfr_ctrl = SDP_3430_SDRC_RFR_CTRL_200MHz; break; default: timings->mcfg = MICRON_V_MCFG_165(128 << 20); timings->ctrla = MICRON_V_ACTIMA_165; timings->ctrlb = MICRON_V_ACTIMB_165; timings->rfr_ctrl = SDP_3430_SDRC_RFR_CTRL_165MHz; } } #endif /* * Routine: get_sdio2_config * Description: Return information about the wifi module connection * Returns 0 if the module connects though a level translator * Returns 1 if the module connects directly */ int get_sdio2_config(void) { int sdio_direct; if (!gpio_request(130, "") && !gpio_request(139, "")) { gpio_direction_output(130, 0); gpio_direction_input(139); sdio_direct = 1; gpio_set_value(130, 0); if (gpio_get_value(139) == 0) { gpio_set_value(130, 1); if (gpio_get_value(139) == 1) sdio_direct = 0; } gpio_direction_input(130); } else { puts("Error: unable to acquire sdio2 clk GPIOs\n"); sdio_direct = -1; } return sdio_direct; } /* * Routine: get_expansion_id * Description: This function checks for expansion board by checking I2C * bus 2 for the availability of an AT24C01B serial EEPROM. * returns the device_vendor field from the EEPROM */ unsigned int get_expansion_id(void) { i2c_set_bus_num(EXPANSION_EEPROM_I2C_BUS); /* return GUMSTIX_NO_EEPROM if eeprom doesn't respond */ if (i2c_probe(EXPANSION_EEPROM_I2C_ADDRESS) == 1) { i2c_set_bus_num(TWL4030_I2C_BUS); return GUMSTIX_NO_EEPROM; } /* read configuration data */ i2c_read(EXPANSION_EEPROM_I2C_ADDRESS, 0, 1, (u8 *)&expansion_config, sizeof(expansion_config)); i2c_set_bus_num(TWL4030_I2C_BUS); return expansion_config.device_vendor; } /* * Routine: misc_init_r * Description: Configure board specific parts */ int misc_init_r(void) { twl4030_power_init(); twl4030_led_init(TWL4030_LED_LEDEN_LEDAON | TWL4030_LED_LEDEN_LEDBON); #if defined(CONFIG_CMD_NET) setup_net_chip(); #endif printf("Board revision: %d\n", get_board_revision()); switch (get_sdio2_config()) { case 0: puts("Tranceiver detected on mmc2\n"); MUX_OVERO_SDIO2_TRANSCEIVER(); break; case 1: puts("Direct connection on mmc2\n"); MUX_OVERO_SDIO2_DIRECT(); break; default: puts("Unable to detect mmc2 connection type\n"); } switch (get_expansion_id()) { case GUMSTIX_SUMMIT: printf("Recognized Summit expansion board (rev %d %s)\n", expansion_config.revision, expansion_config.fab_revision); setenv("defaultdisplay", "dvi"); break; case GUMSTIX_TOBI: printf("Recognized Tobi expansion board (rev %d %s)\n", expansion_config.revision, expansion_config.fab_revision); setenv("defaultdisplay", "dvi"); break; case GUMSTIX_TOBI_DUO: printf("Recognized Tobi Duo expansion board (rev %d %s)\n", expansion_config.revision, expansion_config.fab_revision); /* second lan chip */ enable_gpmc_cs_config(gpmc_lan_config, &gpmc_cfg->cs[4], 0x2B000000, GPMC_SIZE_16M); break; case GUMSTIX_PALO35: printf("Recognized Palo35 expansion board (rev %d %s)\n", expansion_config.revision, expansion_config.fab_revision); setenv("defaultdisplay", "lcd35"); break; case GUMSTIX_PALO43: printf("Recognized Palo43 expansion board (rev %d %s)\n", expansion_config.revision, expansion_config.fab_revision); setenv("defaultdisplay", "lcd43"); break; case GUMSTIX_CHESTNUT43: printf("Recognized Chestnut43 expansion board (rev %d %s)\n", expansion_config.revision, expansion_config.fab_revision); setenv("defaultdisplay", "lcd43"); break; case GUMSTIX_PINTO: printf("Recognized Pinto expansion board (rev %d %s)\n", expansion_config.revision, expansion_config.fab_revision); break; case GUMSTIX_GALLOP43: printf("Recognized Gallop43 expansion board (rev %d %s)\n", expansion_config.revision, expansion_config.fab_revision); setenv("defaultdisplay", "lcd43"); break; case ETTUS_USRP_E: printf("Recognized Ettus Research USRP-E (rev %d %s)\n", expansion_config.revision, expansion_config.fab_revision); MUX_USRP_E(); setenv("defaultdisplay", "dvi"); break; case GUMSTIX_NO_EEPROM: puts("No EEPROM on expansion board\n"); break; default: puts("Unrecognized expansion board\n"); } if (expansion_config.content == 1) setenv(expansion_config.env_var, expansion_config.env_setting); dieid_num_r(); return 0; } /* * Routine: set_muxconf_regs * Description: Setting up the configuration Mux registers specific to the * hardware. Many pins need to be moved from protect to primary * mode. */ void set_muxconf_regs(void) { MUX_OVERO(); } #if defined(CONFIG_CMD_NET) /* * Routine: setup_net_chip * Description: Setting up the configuration GPMC registers specific to the * Ethernet hardware. */ static void setup_net_chip(void) { struct ctrl *ctrl_base = (struct ctrl *)OMAP34XX_CTRL_BASE; /* first lan chip */ enable_gpmc_cs_config(gpmc_lan_config, &gpmc_cfg->cs[5], 0x2C000000, GPMC_SIZE_16M); /* Enable off mode for NWE in PADCONF_GPMC_NWE register */ writew(readw(&ctrl_base ->gpmc_nwe) | 0x0E00, &ctrl_base->gpmc_nwe); /* Enable off mode for NOE in PADCONF_GPMC_NADV_ALE register */ writew(readw(&ctrl_base->gpmc_noe) | 0x0E00, &ctrl_base->gpmc_noe); /* Enable off mode for ALE in PADCONF_GPMC_NADV_ALE register */ writew(readw(&ctrl_base->gpmc_nadv_ale) | 0x0E00, &ctrl_base->gpmc_nadv_ale); /* Make GPIO 64 as output pin and send a magic pulse through it */ if (!gpio_request(64, "")) { gpio_direction_output(64, 0); gpio_set_value(64, 1); udelay(1); gpio_set_value(64, 0); udelay(1); gpio_set_value(64, 1); } } #endif int board_eth_init(bd_t *bis) { int rc = 0; #ifdef CONFIG_SMC911X rc = smc911x_initialize(0, CONFIG_SMC911X_BASE); #endif return rc; } #if defined(CONFIG_GENERIC_MMC) && !defined(CONFIG_SPL_BUILD) int board_mmc_init(bd_t *bis) { return omap_mmc_init(0, 0, 0, -1, -1); } #endif