diff --git a/cmd/tpm-v2.c b/cmd/tpm-v2.c
index c245440f9d330ebb348c21f32f80be0487fc11cd..38add4f4622c46946dbf313159dac877715dffd3 100644
--- a/cmd/tpm-v2.c
+++ b/cmd/tpm-v2.c
@@ -264,6 +264,43 @@ static int do_tpm_change_auth(cmd_tbl_t *cmdtp, int flag, int argc,
 						   oldpw, oldpw_sz));
+static int do_tpm_pcr_setauthpolicy(cmd_tbl_t *cmdtp, int flag, int argc,
+				    char * const argv[])
+	u32 index = simple_strtoul(argv[1], NULL, 0);
+	char *key = argv[2];
+	const char *pw = (argc < 4) ? NULL : argv[3];
+	const ssize_t pw_sz = pw ? strlen(pw) : 0;
+	if (strlen(key) != TPM2_DIGEST_LEN)
+		return -EINVAL;
+	if (argc < 3 || argc > 4)
+		return CMD_RET_USAGE;
+	return report_return_code(tpm2_pcr_setauthpolicy(pw, pw_sz, index,
+							 key));
+static int do_tpm_pcr_setauthvalue(cmd_tbl_t *cmdtp, int flag,
+				   int argc, char * const argv[])
+	u32 index = simple_strtoul(argv[1], NULL, 0);
+	char *key = argv[2];
+	const ssize_t key_sz = strlen(key);
+	const char *pw = (argc < 4) ? NULL : argv[3];
+	const ssize_t pw_sz = pw ? strlen(pw) : 0;
+	if (strlen(key) != TPM2_DIGEST_LEN)
+		return -EINVAL;
+	if (argc < 3 || argc > 4)
+		return CMD_RET_USAGE;
+	return report_return_code(tpm2_pcr_setauthvalue(pw, pw_sz, index,
+							key, key_sz));
 static cmd_tbl_t tpm2_commands[] = {
 	U_BOOT_CMD_MKENT(info, 0, 1, do_tpm_info, "", ""),
 	U_BOOT_CMD_MKENT(init, 0, 1, do_tpm_init, "", ""),
@@ -276,6 +313,10 @@ static cmd_tbl_t tpm2_commands[] = {
 	U_BOOT_CMD_MKENT(dam_reset, 0, 1, do_tpm_dam_reset, "", ""),
 	U_BOOT_CMD_MKENT(dam_parameters, 0, 1, do_tpm_dam_parameters, "", ""),
 	U_BOOT_CMD_MKENT(change_auth, 0, 1, do_tpm_change_auth, "", ""),
+	U_BOOT_CMD_MKENT(pcr_setauthpolicy, 0, 1,
+			 do_tpm_pcr_setauthpolicy, "", ""),
+	U_BOOT_CMD_MKENT(pcr_setauthvalue, 0, 1,
+			 do_tpm_pcr_setauthvalue, "", ""),
 cmd_tbl_t *get_tpm_commands(unsigned int *size)
@@ -338,4 +379,11 @@ U_BOOT_CMD(tpm, CONFIG_SYS_MAXARGS, 1, do_tpm, "Issue a TPMv2.x command",
 "    <hierarchy>: the hierarchy\n"
 "    <new_pw>: new password for <hierarchy>\n"
 "    <old_pw>: optional previous password of <hierarchy>\n"
+"pcr_setauthpolicy|pcr_setauthvalue <pcr> <key> [<password>]\n"
+"    Change the <key> to access PCR #<pcr>.\n"
+"    hierarchy and may be empty.\n"
+"    /!\\WARNING: untested function, use at your own risks !\n"
+"    <pcr>: index of the PCR\n"
+"    <key>: secret to protect the access of PCR #<pcr>\n"
+"    <password>: optional password of the PLATFORM hierarchy\n"
diff --git a/include/tpm-v2.h b/include/tpm-v2.h
index be1aa2c705bbb3716ddad75582139e7c33df9d82..780e0619750cef4c6c8ea6c2144b2de9196b1e3b 100644
--- a/include/tpm-v2.h
+++ b/include/tpm-v2.h
@@ -80,11 +80,13 @@ enum tpm2_command_codes {
 	TPM2_CC_CLEAR		= 0x0126,
 	TPM2_CC_DAM_RESET	= 0x0139,
 	TPM2_CC_PCR_READ	= 0x017E,
 	TPM2_CC_PCR_EXTEND	= 0x0182,
@@ -230,4 +232,31 @@ u32 tpm2_dam_parameters(const char *pw, const ssize_t pw_sz,
 int tpm2_change_auth(u32 handle, const char *newpw, const ssize_t newpw_sz,
 		     const char *oldpw, const ssize_t oldpw_sz);
+ * Issue a TPM_PCR_SetAuthPolicy command.
+ *
+ * @pw		Platform password
+ * @pw_sz	Length of the password
+ * @index	Index of the PCR
+ * @digest	New key to access the PCR
+ *
+ * @return code of the operation
+ */
+u32 tpm2_pcr_setauthpolicy(const char *pw, const ssize_t pw_sz, u32 index,
+			   const char *key);
+ * Issue a TPM_PCR_SetAuthValue command.
+ *
+ * @pw		Platform password
+ * @pw_sz	Length of the password
+ * @index	Index of the PCR
+ * @digest	New key to access the PCR
+ * @key_sz	Length of the new key
+ *
+ * @return code of the operation
+ */
+u32 tpm2_pcr_setauthvalue(const char *pw, const ssize_t pw_sz, u32 index,
+			  const char *key, const ssize_t key_sz);
 #endif /* __TPM_V2_H */
diff --git a/lib/tpm-v2.c b/lib/tpm-v2.c
index ffe8613edc349ca1c41bff3c9b226caae244135f..f1bbca8e7aa51e06806fa5914404605d64bc0d8f 100644
--- a/lib/tpm-v2.c
+++ b/lib/tpm-v2.c
@@ -317,3 +317,103 @@ int tpm2_change_auth(u32 handle, const char *newpw, const ssize_t newpw_sz,
 	return tpm_sendrecv_command(command_v2, NULL, NULL);
+u32 tpm2_pcr_setauthpolicy(const char *pw, const ssize_t pw_sz, u32 index,
+			   const char *key)
+	u8 command_v2[COMMAND_BUFFER_SIZE] = {
+		tpm_u16(TPM2_ST_SESSIONS),	/* TAG */
+		tpm_u32(35 + pw_sz + TPM2_DIGEST_LEN), /* Length */
+		tpm_u32(TPM2_CC_PCR_SETAUTHPOL), /* Command code */
+		/* HANDLE */
+		tpm_u32(TPM2_RH_PLATFORM),	/* TPM resource handle */
+		tpm_u32(9 + pw_sz),		/* Authorization size */
+		tpm_u32(TPM2_RS_PW),		/* session handle */
+		tpm_u16(0),			/* Size of <nonce> */
+						/* <nonce> (if any) */
+		0,				/* Attributes: Cont/Excl/Rst */
+		tpm_u16(pw_sz)			/* Size of <hmac/password> */
+		/* STRING(pw)			   <hmac/password> (if any) */
+		/* tpm_u16(TPM2_DIGEST_LEN)	   Digest size length */
+		/* STRING(key)			   Digest buffer (PCR key) */
+		/* TPMI_ALG_HASH */
+		/* tpm_u16(TPM2_ALG_SHA256)   Algorithm of the hash */
+		/* TPMI_DH_PCR */
+		/* tpm_u32(index),		   PCR Index */
+	};
+	unsigned int offset = 27;
+	int ret;
+	/*
+	 * Fill the command structure starting from the first buffer:
+	 *     - the password (if any)
+	 *     - the PCR key length
+	 *     - the PCR key
+	 *     - the hash algorithm
+	 *     - the PCR index
+	 */
+	ret = pack_byte_string(command_v2, sizeof(command_v2), "swswd",
+			       offset, pw, pw_sz,
+			       offset + pw_sz, TPM2_DIGEST_LEN,
+			       offset + pw_sz + 2, key, TPM2_DIGEST_LEN,
+			       offset + pw_sz + 2 + TPM2_DIGEST_LEN,
+			       TPM2_ALG_SHA256,
+			       offset + pw_sz + 4 + TPM2_DIGEST_LEN, index);
+	offset += pw_sz + 2 + TPM2_DIGEST_LEN + 2 + 4;
+	if (ret)
+		return TPM_LIB_ERROR;
+	return tpm_sendrecv_command(command_v2, NULL, NULL);
+u32 tpm2_pcr_setauthvalue(const char *pw, const ssize_t pw_sz, u32 index,
+			  const char *key, const ssize_t key_sz)
+	u8 command_v2[COMMAND_BUFFER_SIZE] = {
+		tpm_u16(TPM2_ST_SESSIONS),	/* TAG */
+		tpm_u32(33 + pw_sz + TPM2_DIGEST_LEN), /* Length */
+		tpm_u32(TPM2_CC_PCR_SETAUTHVAL), /* Command code */
+		/* HANDLE */
+		tpm_u32(index),			/* Handle (PCR Index) */
+		tpm_u32(9 + pw_sz),		/* Authorization size */
+		tpm_u32(TPM2_RS_PW),		/* session handle */
+		tpm_u16(0),			/* Size of <nonce> */
+						/* <nonce> (if any) */
+		0,				/* Attributes: Cont/Excl/Rst */
+		tpm_u16(pw_sz),			/* Size of <hmac/password> */
+		/* STRING(pw)			   <hmac/password> (if any) */
+		/* TPM2B_DIGEST */
+		/* tpm_u16(key_sz)		   Key length */
+		/* STRING(key)			   Key */
+	};
+	unsigned int offset = 27;
+	int ret;
+	/*
+	 * Fill the command structure starting from the first buffer:
+	 *     - the password (if any)
+	 *     - the number of digests, 1 in our case
+	 *     - the algorithm, sha256 in our case
+	 *     - the digest (64 bytes)
+	 */
+	ret = pack_byte_string(command_v2, sizeof(command_v2), "sws",
+			       offset, pw, pw_sz,
+			       offset + pw_sz, key_sz,
+			       offset + pw_sz + 2, key, key_sz);
+	offset += pw_sz + 2 + key_sz;
+	if (ret)
+		return TPM_LIB_ERROR;
+	return tpm_sendrecv_command(command_v2, NULL, NULL);