diff --git a/scripts/Makefile.lib b/scripts/Makefile.lib
index a237b7bf85913e095f3a8472e773342cb3680f55..60265f4d32da4dcffdaf1085840cd4bf24096ad7 100644
--- a/scripts/Makefile.lib
+++ b/scripts/Makefile.lib
@@ -164,6 +164,21 @@ cpp_flags      = -Wp,-MD,$(depfile) $(NOSTDINC_FLAGS) $(UBOOTINCLUDE)     \
 ld_flags       = $(LDFLAGS) $(ldflags-y)
+dts_dir = $(srctree)/arch/$(ARCH)/dts
+# Try these files in order to find the U-Boot-specific .dtsi include file
+u_boot_dtsi_options = $(wildcard $(dts_dir)/$(basename $(notdir $<))-u-boot.dtsi) \
+	$(wildcard $(dts_dir)/$(subst $\",,$(CONFIG_SYS_SOC))-u-boot.dtsi) \
+	$(wildcard $(dts_dir)/$(subst $\",,$(CONFIG_SYS_CPU))-u-boot.dtsi) \
+	$(wildcard $(dts_dir)/$(subst $\",,$(CONFIG_SYS_VENDOR))-u-boot.dtsi) \
+	$(wildcard $(dts_dir)/u-boot.dtsi)
+# Uncomment for debugging
+# $(warning u_boot_dtsi_options: $(u_boot_dtsi_options))
+# We use the first match
+u_boot_dtsi = $(firstword $(u_boot_dtsi_options))
 # Modified for U-Boot
 dtc_cpp_flags  = -Wp,-MD,$(depfile).pre.tmp -nostdinc                    \
 		 -I$(srctree)/arch/$(ARCH)/dts                           \
@@ -293,8 +308,11 @@ $(obj)/%.dtb.S: $(obj)/%.dtb
 quiet_cmd_dtc = DTC     $@
 # Modified for U-Boot
+# Bring in any U-Boot-specific include after the '/dts-v1/;' header
 cmd_dtc = mkdir -p $(dir ${dtc-tmp}) ; \
-	$(CPP) $(dtc_cpp_flags) -x assembler-with-cpp -o $(dtc-tmp) $< ; \
+	cat $< $(if $(u-boot-dtsi),\
+		| sed 's%^/ {$$%\#include \"$(u-boot-dtsi)\"\n&%')  | \
+		$(CPP) $(dtc_cpp_flags) -x assembler-with-cpp -o $(dtc-tmp) - ; \
 	$(DTC) -O dtb -o $@ -b 0 \
 		-i $(dir $<) $(DTC_FLAGS) \
 		-d $(depfile).dtc.tmp $(dtc-tmp) ; \
diff --git a/tools/binman/README b/tools/binman/README
index 45e741e3b39c131413c077049cf147677fac0d48..cb47e73599a4813333a19f7332b288eaeba321ec 100644
--- a/tools/binman/README
+++ b/tools/binman/README
@@ -422,6 +422,45 @@ stage the position and size of entries should not be adjusted.
+Automatic .dtsi inclusion
+It is sometimes inconvenient to add a 'binman' node to the .dts file for each
+board. This can be done by using #include to bring in a common file. Another
+approach supported by the U-Boot build system is to automatically include
+a common header. You can then put the binman node (and anything else that is
+specific to U-Boot, such as u-boot,dm-pre-reloc properies) in that header
+Binman will search for the following files in arch/<arch>/dts:
+   <dts>-u-boot.dtsi where <dts> is the base name of the .dts file
+   <CONFIG_SYS_SOC>-u-boot.dtsi
+   <CONFIG_SYS_CPU>-u-boot.dtsi
+   <CONFIG_SYS_VENDOR>-u-boot.dtsi
+   u-boot.dtsi
+U-Boot will only use the first one that it finds. If you need to include a
+more general file you can do that from the more specific file using #include.
+If you are having trouble figuring out what is going on, you can uncomment
+the 'warning' line in scripts/Makefile.lib to see what it has found:
+   # Uncomment for debugging
+   # $(warning binman_dtsi_options: $(binman_dtsi_options))
+Code coverage
+Binman is a critical tool and is designed to be very testable. Entry
+implementations target 100% test coverage. Run 'binman -T' to check this.
+To enable Python test coverage on Debian-type distributions (e.g. Ubuntu):
+   $ sudo apt-get install python-pip python-pytest
+   $ sudo pip install coverage
 Advanced Features / Technical docs